Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Android's Dream

The Android's Dream
by John Scalzi

I am generally not a huge fan of science fiction. Well, except for Star Wars movies. But that's a whole different story. SF literature is usually not something I go for. But I found this book on the "new releases" shelf (even though it was published 3 years ago -- Viroqua may be a tad bit behind) and it caught my eye.

The cover artwork was cool, and the title was intriguing. I read the book flap, and it sounded funny and interesting. And it was! Hooray!

This book reminded me a lot of Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. (OK. So I like one other SF book. Honestly, I can't think of any others!) It was witty, sarcastic, had great dialogue, and a wacky premise. There are a lot of characters, though. It got a bit confusing at first trying to figure everyone out. But the story was so good, that you got over it!

I just tried to write a sentence about the premise of the book, and it's awfully complicated -- there are a lot of things all tied together. So let me just say it's about interplanetary relations, a dead guy whose been brought back as the first "real" artificial intelligence in a computer, the US State Department, an alien that eats people while on a religious quest, a veteran of the worst battle ever who is a computer genius and gets sucked into the whole thing, and a sheep.

That may sound crazy, but it works! I may even have to start checking out other SF books, now! :)

©2006, Tom Doherty Associates
ISBN 978-0-765-30941-9

Friday, August 14, 2009

Priceless Memories

Priceless Memories
by Bob Barker and Digby Diehl

I used to watch "The Price is Right" every day during the summer. I wanted to be on that game show so bad! I knew the prices, I knew the games, and I loved Bob Barker. He always came across as a funny, friendly gentleman. Now that he's retired, you couldn't pay me to watch TPIR. Can't stand Drew Carey. Ruined the show, for me.

Anyway, as I was browsing my library's new releases, I saw a picture of Bob Barker on the cover of a book -- his memoirs! Hooray! The book flap said it was full of stories about his life, his favorite contestants, and memories of TPIR. Sounds great! Although, when I told other people I was going to read Bob Barker's memoirs, they thought I was a bit crazy. Hmmm.

This was a nice book, written by someone who is not a writer. Technically, this isn't a great example of good writing. That said, it is full of good stories -- about growing up, about his mom and his wife, about his pets, and about his years on television. There were stories that made me laugh out loud, and a couple that made me get a bit misty.

In the end, I came away with the impression that Bob Barker is still a funny, friendly gentleman (even if he isn't a great writer). So in the words of the immortal man: "Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered."

©2009, Center Street
ISBN 978-1-59995-135-5

Vision in White

Vision in White
by Nora Roberts

Well, big surprise. Nora Roberts is awesome. Oh, to be as prolific as she! 4,000 novels under two different names (perhaps a bit of an exaggeration) -- and they are all good!

This latest is no exception. It is the first in a new series (I am a sucker for a good series) -- "The Bride Quartet." The backstory is of four women who grew up as friends and now run a wedding business together. The first book, Vision, tells the story of Mac, the wedding photographer.

As usual with a NR book, the plot is solid, the dialogue is funny and sexy, and you genuinely like the characters! This was a quick read for me, and I am now anxiously awaiting installment two in the series. The problem with reading new series is that I actually have to wait for the next one to be published, instead of just waiting for it to arrive through inter-library loan! Hopefully, come December I won't forget that this is on my list!

©2009, Berkley Books
ISBN 978-0-425-22751-0

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Angel's Game

The Angel's Game
By Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I was first introduced to Zafon in his book, The Shadow of the Wind. This book is sort of a sequel, although 99% of the characters are different. The only thing that remains the same is Sempere & Sons bookstore, and the Cemetery of Forgotten Books.

Which makes this sound like a novel about books, and it kind of is, but more than that, it's a novel of love, madness, and mystery.

It is also long -- not long like Harry Potter 850 pages, but long as in drawn out. Perhaps it is because it is translated from Spanish, or perhaps it is because Zafon is wordy. Either way, at times the book drags, but you know it is taking you somewhere interesting, and you go along anyway.

The ending, too, is unexpected. Mysteries remain. This is not, after all, a fairy tale where everyone lives happily ever after.

©2009, Doubleday
ISBN 978-0-385-52870-2

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity
by Mark Walden

I was waiting for this book forever! Ok, not forever, but it sure feels like it. That's what I get for reading books in a series as the author is writing it! It wasn't like waiting for Harry Potter or anything, but I did check my library's listings weekly.

This is the third book in the H.I.V.E. series -- the Higher Institute of Villainous Education. Yep, it's about a school for criminals! They aren't all bad, though, of course.

In this installment, Otto, Wing, Laura and Shelly must use their unique skills to: a) escape from school; b) rescue Dr. Nero; and c) defeat the really bad guy. Of course, there are problems along the way, along with a few happy surprises.

These books are geared for young adults, but I really like the stories. Great characters, and lots of creativity involved in the plots. And, I'm guessing, another H.I.V.E. book down the line!

©2008, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
ISBN 978-0-7475-9485-7

Sudden Moves

Sudden Moves
by Charlotte Vale Allen

Remember Fresh Air? About Lucinda and Katanya and getting over issues? Sudden Moves is the sequel! I knew there was one, because there was a note on the back of FA. But I didn't think I'd find it right away! I was just perusing the As at the library, looking for other books by this author, and when I picked this one up, I was so excited!

The whole gang is back, and doing their best to live normal lives. Luce is spending as much time with her grandmother as possible, and watching Soupboy a few times a week. Kat and her mom and grandma come up to Luce's monthly, and Luce is still working on not being so agoraphobic.

There are a few minor crisis to deal with throughout the book, one of which is Eli, Luce's grandmother's handsome doctor. Can Luce handle a "boyfriend?" OMG! :)

But then, 9-11 happens, and everything is different. How do they cope, and how can life ever be normal again?

This doesn't get too preachy about 9-11, but it does treat it with the severity it deserves, and does a good job of expressing the emotions many people felt during the days that followed.

It was good to "catch up" with Luce and Kat and see where life took them.

©2004, MIRA Books
ISBN 0-7783-2036-7


by Karen Robards

I had never heard of this author, even though she's written about 15 books, and some have been bestsellers (apparently). I liked the sound of this one, and it didn't disappoint.

Kat the teenager is in foster care and runs with a rough crowd. One night, they rob a gas station, and an employee gets shot and dies.

Fast forward 15 years. Kate the ADA is living in Philly with her son, Ben, trying to make it. And she's doing pretty well, until someone from her past shows up. Mario is the one Kat thinks shot the man that night, and now he wants her help to get out of jail. He threatens to tell everyone that she was the one who shot the guard and Kate is afraid that everything she's worked for will be gone -- and that Ben will be left alone.

Other events make this even more interesting -- a hot cop trying to figure out her past, mob ties, a kidnapping -- and overall, this was a fast, good read. I will definitely be looking for more books by this author!

©2008, G.P. Putnam's Sons
ISBN 978-0-399-15461-4